
Showing posts from October, 2023

Negative Impacts of Urbanization

  Negative Impacts of Urbanization in India  With the undergoing economic development, modernization and industrialization in India, there is a shift of population from rural areas to urban cities, leading to urbanization. Urbanization promises many opportunities for human development and progress with wealth and social mobility, good infrastructures, technological advancements, etc.  However due to poor urban planning and unequal distribution of resources, there are some associated issues which needs to be addressed for sustainable and holistic development of urban areas.  Negative Impacts 1. Slum Formation: Income inequality, lack of affordable housing facilities and lack of enough land space to accommodate urban population, are some of the reasons leading to slum formation which further leads to various socio economic and health problems.  2. Unequal Distribution of Resources : The demand and supply mismatch of resources available in an urban setting lea...

Impacts of Uniform Civil Code on Indian Society

  Impacts of Uniform Civil Code on Indian Society  Uniform Civil Code (UCC) refers to a set of laws which are implemented universally on every citizen, irrespective of their religious beliefs, in matters of personal laws like marriage, adoption, divorce and inheritance. UCC has the potential to transform the society and establish gender equality and social harmony, however there are some concerns associated with it.  Concerns Regarding Impacts of Uniform Civil Code (UCC)  1. Threat to Diversity: India is a diverse country where people practice various kinds of religious beliefs and customs which is threatened by UCC as it'll bring homogeneity.   2. Threat to Religious Freedom: Some consider UCC is against positive secularism promised by the constitution and fears that this is a way of imposing majoritarian culture and practices on minorities .  3. Practical Difficulties: Given the diversity in personal laws, lack of consensus and sensitivity of the issue,...

Reasons for Increasing Cases of Suicides Among Women in India

  Reasons for Increasing Cases of Suicides Among Women in India The 2021 NCRB data shows an alarming situation of India where cases of suicides among women has increased to 64.5% in 2021 and around 45,000 women committed suicide. This has happened due to several complex and interconnected factors.  Reasons for Suicides Among Women   1. Domestic Abuse: According to 2021 NCRB data, over 50% cases of female suicides were of housewives which indicates mental stress among housewives due to domestic violence, financial dependency, restrictions on movement and taunts due to impotency, dowry, etc.  2. Educational Pressure: Suicides cases among students have also increased due to increased competition, high expectations, ragging, failure in exams or societal pressure to drop out. 3. Societal Pressure: Societal pressure to suppress mental health issues, continue suffering in an unhappy or abusive marriage, restrictions on choices and stigmatisation of victims of sexual abus...

Challenges Faced By India in her Transition to Renewable Sources of Energy

Challenges Faced By India in her Transition to Renewable Sources of Energy    Enthusiasm regarding India's transition to renewable sources of energy is well placed as it offers numerous opportunities and will play a vital role in fulfilling India's target of meeting 50% of electricity requirements from non fossil fuel sources by 2030. However, there are some associated challenges which need to be addressed.  Challenges that can Impede Progress  • Economic Factors : The huge economic burden on government due to the expensive installation process, operation cost, high transmission and distribution loss, and adoption of expensive technologies and safe waste disposal measures, will pose a challenge which needs to be addressed by attracting private investments through green bond, CSR contributions, etc and through international collaborations like One Sun One World One Grid.  • Political Factors : Many challenges can also arise from issues regarding land acquisition,...

Reasons for Slow Human Development in India

  Human Development Failed to Keep Pace with Economic Development in India Owing to the economic progress made in key areas like IT, agriculture, etc, India is ranked 5th in the world as per it's GDP in 2023. However, India's ranking in Human Development Index in 132nd position in 2021-2022 shows that human development has failed to keep pace with the economic development of the country, which can be due to various reasons. Reasons for Slow Human Development in India 1. Social Discrimination: Discrimination based on caste, class, ethnicity, gender or religion stuns the growth and development of the marginalized. 2. Outdated Curriculum: The curriculum followed in educational institutions and the current demand of industries are not in sync with each other which forces people to opt for low paying jobs which further hampers their standard of living and their development. 3. Expensive Services: Basic amenities like electricity, clean water, education institutions, internet s...

Impact of Mobile Phones on Children

The Impacts of Mobile Phones on Socialization of Children as Child Cuddling is Being Replaced by Mobile Phones The shifting of family structure from joint family to nuclear family, rapid development and penetrations of IT services in people’s daily lives and busy work and daily schedules of both parents and their children has led to degradation of the traditional children and caregiver relationship which is replaced by human to gadgets relationship, as people tend to spend more time with their phones than with each other. This has made significant impacts on children and how they socialize. Impacts of increased screen time on Socialisation of Children   Positive Impacts Worldwide Connections: Children can now connect with people from all over the world , interact with them and learn from them.   Acquire Diverse Knowledge: With their mobile phones, children can now have access to numerous content which give them the opportunity to educate themselves about differe...