Hunger Crisis in India: Causes and Solutions

Hunger Crisis in India: Causes and Solutions India is a food surplus country, however India's 111st rank out of 125 countries in Global Hunger Index 2023 highlights that the food resources of this country are not effectively managed and distributed to ensure food security in the country. Causes for Hunger Crisis in India 1. Errors in Government Policies : Inefficient supply chains, lack of proper storage, and inadequate transportation contribute to food wastage at various stages of the supply chain. While food is wasted, many people still struggle with hunger. Other errors like inefficient targeting, crop monoculture, corruption and limited focus on nutrition can also contribute to hunger crisis. 2. Unequal Distribution of Resources : Disparities in wealth and resources result in unequal access to food. Wealthier regions or communities have better access to food, while marginalized groups may struggle to meet their basic nutritional needs. Overcrowding of citie...